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9.3/10 stinky bananas

I love this movie. I think it is fucking fantastic. It is the definition of a feel good movie.

Chef is fun from start to finish. Jon Favreau puts in a career best performance as a chef in a creative rut. For once, the kid actor did a pretty good job. Plus you get to enjoy some surprise appearances from the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara, Russell Peters, and Dustin Hoffman.

Chef even makes the cooking look fun. I'm not a foodie but the dishes made in the movie look spectacular. Jon makes food so well that it makes Scar-Jo and Sofia Vergara want to have sex with him. Imagine that. Imagine how good that food has to be. Probably immaculate.

The chef freak out scene is one of the best in recent memory. Love it.

This movie is definitely worth the watch if you haven't already seen it. Very enjoyable.


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