8.4/10 stinky bananas
Fun ass movie. Really good action comedy. You can’t go wrong with a solid action comedy.
The movie did not drag at all. I was engaged from start to finish. The director did a great job of intertwining and tying all the character’s story lines together.
The twins steal the show. They are easily the best characters in the movie. I love Aaron Taylor-Johnson. He is a truly underrated actor. He is great in everything I’ve seen him in.
Channing Tatum bit roles continue to kill. This Is The End, Free Guy, and now this. Hilarious. He is batting a thousand on these cameos and I hope he keeps doing them.
Michael Shannon and the kid who played Percy Jackson are grossly miscasted. They are so out of place in this movie. Michael Shannon is the antithesis (smart guy word) of some badass Russian gangster. Percy Jackson kid is in this movie for five seconds and sucked for all five seconds.
Watch this movie if you like having fun.