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Don't Breathe

8.1/10 stinky bananas

Solid thriller flick. A couple of hooligans went to rob a blind war vet. Sounds like a pretty easy gig. Not so fast. Stephen Lang plays a friggin ripped old man with a twisted sense of justice and poor taste in home decor.

This movie is a fun thrill ride as a couple teenagers try to escape the house they attempted to rob while being hunted by a blind Stephen Lang. Easily the best part of the movie is when the old man gets a literal taste of his own medicine. You'll have to watch the film if you want some explanation on that one. Second best part of the movie is that they don't kill the dog in the movie. I fucking hate when dogs die in movies. Kill all the people, I don't care, but for Christ sake don't you dare hurt the dogs. Boops only.


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