8.5/10 stinky bananas
Great movie. Great start to a two parter to end the series.
Rating could‘ve been higher if Ron wasn’t such a pee pants the whole movie. Fuckin hell Ron, shut the fuck up.
Anyway, the movie throws you right in the action with a great chase scene. Then the chase for horcruxes begins (don’t care if I spelt horcruxes wrong).
Can‘t forget about the best part of the entire series. The deathly hallows cartoon. I love it. Very aesthetically pleasing. If they made an entire Harry Potter movie like that, I would pay handsomely to watch it.
Dobby. Need I say more. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. He is the best. I miss him. But finally, they got a death right. Very emotional. Felt like it mattered.
Watch for the wizarding action, stay for the cartoon. I think I fucked up that phrase but c’est la vie.