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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part II

9.2/10 stinky bananas

Epic finale to a pretty great series of films. Lots of wizard action in this one. Very fun to watch.

You finally find out that Dumbledore has been a bad guy the entire time. Simply raising Harry for slaughter. What a piece of shit. I hate Albus and you should too. The guy should be in Azkaban for what he did to Harry.

Alan Rickman. Nuff said. But I’ll go on anyway. They reveal that he is the one that actually has Harry’s back unlike that bitchboy Dumbledore. Alan Rickman was born to play Snape. He is so goddamn good at being Snape, it’s crazy. All time character/actor combo.

Voldemort. Another great character. Ralph Fiennes plays the great villain to perfection. Almost as good as Rickman.

Time for wizard rankings:

  1. Hermione

  2. Snape

  3. Dobby

  4. Professor Werewolf

... 7369. Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a dog shit wizard. Good night.


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