2.8/10 stinky bananas
Why the hell do people like this movie so much? It's pretty stinky.
The first 5 minutes is one long ad for big fast food companies. What the hell is that all about? I don't like watching full-blown commercials in movies.
I don't give a rats ass about any of the characters in this movie. Bo Cruz isn't particularly likable or charismatic. I don't care if he made it to the NBA or not.
Anthony Edwards is cool in this, but why the fuck did they name him Kermit? Quite possibly the most uncool name of all time. No chance you are an elite NBA prospect with a name like Kermit. Sorry! Totally unrealistic.
The story is bland. Not all that interesting of a movie. Parts of the movie were made just so NBA nerds can point at their TVs and say, "Oh look, there's Boban Marjanović!". I don't particularly care for that. I'm no nerd.
The ratings on this movie are absurdly high. Good thing I'm here to set the record straight. You're welcome. Bye.