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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

9.6/10 stinky bananas

This movie rules. It is the best Indiana Jones movie. If you think otherwise, you’re wrong and are at least 60 years old.

All the old heads think the first Indy movie is the cat’s pajamas, and they hate the second movie because it doesn’t tickle their fancy. I bet some old white guy has probably said that exact sentence.

Temple of Doom has the best action in the franchise. I haven’t timed it, but I’m pretty sure there is a half hour action sequence starting when Indy gets brainwashed. Not even exaggerating. A half hour of Indiana Jones greatness. Near the tail-end of the action sequence comes the greatest Indiana Jones scene. The bridge scene. I fucking love every second of it. There is not even much else to say about it, it’s just awesome.

The end scene where the chick is all pissed at Indy and storms off but Indy stops her with his whip and then they make out. Easily Indy’s best use of the whip. The coolest.

My only complaint is there is some horrific CGI throughout the movie. But this movie came out in 1984 so it gets a pass.

Incredible filmmaking. Spielberg is the man. Harrison Ford is the coolest. This movie fucks.


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