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Jurassic World Dominion

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

0.2/10 stinky bananas

Poopy movie. Where the fuck are all the dinosaurs. If I pay to see a dinosaur movie, I want to see at least 50 dinosaurs.

Why in the world is this movie 2 and a half hours long? Ridiculous. 2 and a half hours of trash. Characters are garbage. Story is boring. The movie fucking stinks.

I’m sick and tired of this fucking hand thing that Chris Pratt’s character does to stop dinosaurs. It was fine for the first Jurassic World movie, but now all the characters can just stop dinosaurs from eating them by throwing up their hands. It pisses me off. Why would this fucking hand thing calm down a dinosaur. Stupid.

Whose bright idea was it to make this clone kid such a big part of the story of the last two Jurassic World movies? I couldn’t give less of a fuck about this kid. Who the hell cares if this kid is a clone or not. What the hell does it have to do with dinosaurs eating people.

The villain of this movie is not a T-Rex or a pack of raptors like it usually is. The big bad is a fucking locust. A swarm of huge roided-up locusts. Are you fucking kidding me? This is a movie about fucking dinosaurs and everybody has their panties in a bunch over some bugs. What kind of morons are making these decisions.

The only good part was when a T-Rex and this Edward Scissorhands looking dinosaur assassinated this other big dinosaur. That’s it.

Don’t waste your time with this pile of crap.


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