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Mortal Kombat

7.9/10 stinky bananas

Very enjoyable, even if you weren’t into the video games all that much. Great first entry into what will inevitably become the Mortal Kombat Cinematic Universe.

The action is great. All the goriness that the video games have become famous for translated well to the silver screen. Lots of kickass fights.

Kano is great as the comic relief. He was probably my favourite character out of the bunch.

The only thing I really didn’t like was the main character, Cole Young. He was the only character that isn’t in the video games (I think). His suit was lame and his powers were nothing special. More importantly, I just didn’t care about his character, his character arc, or his damn family and they spent way too much runtime on him. I would’ve rather they stuffed an extra fight or two in the movie rather than give me that loser’s backstory.

Watch this movie if you want to see severed limbs and split skulls.


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