8.9/10 stinky bananas
Excellent movie. The best Daniel Craig James Bond movie and possibly the greatest Bond movie ever.
Javier Bardem knocked it out of the park as the villain. It is a near perfect performance. Number 1 Bond villain and it’s not close.
The Skyfall Bond song is friggin fire (as the kids would say). Adele nailed it, which is not surprising at all. She has some great songs and this one was no different. Number 1 Bond song of all time? Maybe. The opening credits scene that rolled while the song was playing was cool too. I love that shit.
To the highlight reel! Opening action sequence is great. I mean they fucking shoot Bond in the first 5 minutes of the movie. That is undeniably awesome. The fight with the sniper guy with the silhouettes and shit is very cool. Bardem threw a freaking train at Bond. You don’t see that everyday. The grand finale (house and chapel scene) absolutely delivers.
I have no major gripes with this movie. It gets an 8.9 because after I watched it, that is the number that came to my brain. I have no criteria or algorithm for the way I score movies because I am not a nerd. This is what makes me the best movie critic in the universe.
Must watch movie.