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6.3/10 stinky bananas

A relatively boring movie with a few decent action sequences mixed in. Spectre is definitely a let down in the Daniel Craig Bond saga.

The opening credits and the Sam Smith song are solid. It is quite possibly the best part of the movie.

The car chase scene with Bautista is an awful action sequence. I don’t think Bautista ever even got close to Bond and then Bond drives his car into a creek and that was the end of it. Lame.

My biggest gripe with Spectre is that you don’t even see the villain for the first 3 quarters of the movie. What the fuck is that about. Absolutely horrendous waste of Christoph Waltz, who has the greatest villain performance of all time under his belt (Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds).

It wasn’t all bad. The train fight scene with Bautista is pretty great. I like the Bond torture scene with those teeny tiny drills; the whole scene felt like vintage Bond. Bond killing two guys while being zip tied and hooded was very badass.

The C guy died in the most bitch way possible. After getting in a little scuffle with M, he falls off the ledge of a building. But before he plummets to his death, he does the cartoon thing where you waive your arms around like you are trying to keep your balance. So bitch. If you don’t know what the fuck I am talking about then I don’t know how to help you because that was a perfect description.

I don’t understand what the director was thinking when he decided to have James Bond shoot down a helicopter with nothing but a pistol. What are we doing here? Is that seriously all it takes to take one of those things down? I’m no helicopter expert but that seems like a design flaw.

Spectre is skippable. It’s fine, but certainly not a must watch.


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