9.0/10 stinky bananas
Nic Cage is the best. I love him. What a fuckin wild guy. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a fun ass time.
This movie is the most Nic Cage movie ever made. It was literally tailor-made for him.
Now, if you are not a Nic Cage fan then this movie is probably unwatchable for you. Couldn't be me though. Nic Cage rules and you're the loser for not liking him. I'll beat anybody's face in that even thinks of slandering the good name of Nicolas Cage.
This movie had complete self-awareness. It knew exactly what it was and didn't take itself too seriously. I love that. Often times movies that are meant to be silly and fun end up getting ruined by dumb dumb directors that think they are the next Martin Scorcese.
Pedro Pascal is excellent in this. Pedro and Nic have amazing chemistry. Great casting.
Here are a few of my favourite parts:
the scenes with de-aged Nic Cage are hilarious
the LSD scene is laugh-out-loud funny
the Paddington 2 bit is elite. It's elite because it's so true, Paddington 1 and 2 are fucking awesome movies. No word of a lie.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a great way to spend an hour and 45 minutes of your precious time. So much fun. Nic Cage is an absolute legend.
Congratulations to the makers of this film on receiving the most prestigious award in the world - TSBRSoA (The Stinky Bananas Recommendation Stamp of Approval).